The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24774   Message #2882357
Posted By: GUEST,udlh john
08-Apr-10 - 04:35 PM
Thread Name: What does 'CC Rider' mean?
Subject: RE: What does 'CC Rider' mean?
The term rider refers to your companion or "gal" or someone tagging along. for the CC read "see see" eg. "SEE SEE RIDER SEE WHAT YOU HAVE DONE" the term rider is used often in blues songs eg "WITH MY RIDER BY MY SIDE"    I dont know the reason for this but many blues lyrics sung by the early black bluse singers are very cryptic.   When the lyric suggests " I gonna beat that woman till I'm satisfied", or "I'm gonna beat the devil Put him in the ground" the reference was directed at thier overseer or boss man as obvious critisisum to these people would not have been in thier best interest to say the least.
The use of the word Man as in "yeh man" and "cool Man" etc. was also a relic of those days, a form of compensation for when the black man was suppresswed by white supremacy and had to endure perpetually being called "boy" The endearment term "Man" is as you are no doubt aware still used today among American black men

hope this infomation is of interest to you