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Thread #128619   Message #2882916
Posted By: Teribus
09-Apr-10 - 11:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Video of US Killing of Reuters Reporters
Subject: RE: BS: Video of US Killing of Reuters Reporters
No, the cameraman and the reporter were identified as targets potentially armed because of what they were carrying on straps over their shoulders. In the video they walk directly over to the shadow of building. As they cross the street that is when you see the group of four men at 03:39 into the video coverage, as stated before the one on the extreme right is holding an AK-47, while one of the men in the centre of the group is holding an RPG-7. Please do not say that they weren't, remember the weapons were found and photographer in situ when the US forces arrived at the scene.

But let us take your version of events:

Your cameraman, what was he doing?

What was he expecting to see round that corner?

Why did he at no time at all raise the eye-piece of the camera to his face and look down the viewer?

No military man would have thought that was a grenade launcher:

Look at the video again and compare the dark object projecting round the corner to the tail-end of this

neither did he ever point it in the direction of the chopper, which would have been a prerequisite for a British Gunner to engage.

Firstly the guys hanging around that street corner had no idea that they were under observation of two helicopters. At best they might be vaguely aware that those aircraft were in the air, the Apaches are probably about 5,000 to 7,000 metres away. Our, i.e. UK ROE would have directed the mission in exactly the same manner, where on earth did you get this crap about weapons having to be aimed or pointed at you before they are regarded as being threatening? Our ROE stipulate if they are carrying a gun then they are fair game and a legitimate target.

Also, when they opened fire, the group had gathered round the Cameraman, and were simply talking. At that point it would have been impossible for him to use an RPG, without producing five or six crispy critters with the back blast.

When the guy with the RPG looked round the corner he was just checking, he had no intention of firing at that point, which was why the RPG-7 was still slung over his shoulder.

I take it then Don T that your reference to the two children who were wounded in the attack on the van indicates that you as a parent would have done exactly the same as the driver of that van? I know for an absolute bloody certainty that I would not have done had they been my children.