The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128694   Message #2882973
Posted By: gnu
09-Apr-10 - 01:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Vimy Ridge April 9, 1917
Subject: RE: BS: Vimy Ridge April 9, 1917
Message from Her Majesty The Queen - End of an Era
April 9, 2010

Message from Her Majesty The Queen

As proud and grateful Canadians, we pause today to mark not only the ninety-third anniversary of this Nation's victory at Vimy Ridge but also to pay tribute to the passing of a truly remarkable generation who helped to end the most terrible conflict the world had ever known.

These gallant men and women went off to Europe to fight in what was often considered to be "the war to end all wars"; to defend the principles of peace, freedom and justice for their Country and, indeed, for all mankind. Theirs was a story of unspeakable horror, unmitigated heroism and – ultimately – of inspiring victory. This tremendous sacrifice can rightly be regarded as a defining moment in the history of Canada and is one which we will never forget.

And now, they are gone –and all Canadians mourn our collective loss. Yet they will remain forever etched in the hearts of a grateful people and on the pages of our history as symbols of service, honour and dedication.

In our minds and in our hearts always, we will remember them.