The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128694   Message #2883094
Posted By: Sandy Mc Lean
09-Apr-10 - 04:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Vimy Ridge April 9, 1917
Subject: RE: BS: Vimy Ridge April 9, 1917
Although I probably would classify myself as peace loving, I also realize that many sacrifices made by others in years past allow me to do so! My grandfather, who died when I was six, was always my hero! He was a soldier of the Great War who, as a militia NCO, was called to duty in 1914. He did not fight at Vimy but soldiers trained by him captured Hill 145. After the capture of Vimy another 100 days of fighting followed. My grandfather who was still training troops in England took a demotion to follow "his boys" and fought through the following 100 days in France and Belgium. Hill 145 was the highest and most difficult part of the assault and credit goes to all of our Canadian troops who climbed its slopes, but the peak was taken by re-enforcements from the 85th battalion Nova Scotia Highlanders, mostly from Nova Scotia's Eastern Shore and Cape Breton Island. There today sits the Canadian Monument. My grandfather's story goes much farther but his link to Vimy Ridge was not forgotten by those who survived. He will never be forgotten by myself!