The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128605   Message #2883133
Posted By: *#1 PEASANT*
09-Apr-10 - 04:53 PM
Thread Name: Folksong-when performance/when political rally
Subject: RE: Folksong-when performance/when political rally
don we as as a society do lots of things that others even those in our own society think are terrible and immoral.

just talk to the anti abortionists

Again I do not support fascists and again the solution is that they can do what they want with the restriction that people can leave and become established elsewhere if they dont like the cultural practices and others can enter who wish to master and live the culture.

There are many belief systems- if they want to believe that the earth is flat or that wine changes to blood whatever...that is their choice and has nothing to do with me they have a right to their own freedom and the right to be different.

Lots of changes within the last 50 years would have deeply shocked the people of my parents generation as immoral. But now we all agree that people make choices and those choices are valid and now they can become moral. It is all in the eye of the culture and cultures need not agree with each other. I dont agree with quite a few sub cultures in this country.

You should not inflict your particular values on a culture or a music tradition. You should work on ways to bring in the greatest diversity not eliminate or discourage one color or another.

I think lots of fascists would have nothing to do with killing people however on the positive side they may have ways to make the trains run on time.
