The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128619   Message #2883156
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
09-Apr-10 - 05:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Video of US Killing of Reuters Reporters
Subject: RE: BS: Video of US Killing of Reuters Reporters
Ah teribullbus - again ...:-)

"Our ROE stipulate if they are carrying a gun then they are fair game and a legitimate target."

Oh I see - shoot first & ask questions later. You admit it.

"Drive around in a big white van marked with PRESS in as large lettering as can be used on both sides"

Walk around in a hat with "PRESS" in big letters on the side and idiots keep hitting you in the head. Pity not everybody reads English...

"those photographs were shown to Reuters Staff within two weeks of the incident ... The inference of the whole recent disclosure appears to attempt to foster the lie of some sort of cover up when in fact there was no cover up" "The most interesting thing for me was the assertion by the authorities that this was perfectly normal behaviour for military forces. All quite normal and usual, nothing out of the ordinary going on here - move along folks."

So then why all the Official refusals to release this material that had to be dragged out thru FOI procedures. Only ONE answer - ONE BIG COVERUP. The US Military wants to prevent 'the softening of public moral fibre' that happened when the truth started to leak out in the Vietnam conflict.