The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128703   Message #2883455
Posted By: LadyJean
10-Apr-10 - 01:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mudwomenz... Answer me this one???
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Answer me this one???
I am a cleaning lady. One of the million or so things people I work for do that drives me crazy is cluttering up a space and getting angry if I move things. Tidying is a good idea before a cleaning lady comes. I don't throw out paper, unless I'm 100% sure it's nothing you want to save. Others aren't as particular.

You don't have to worry about dirt. I assure you the cleaning lady has seen worse. She will be ready to canonize you if you clean your damn hair out of the damn drain, instead of leaving it for her to deal with. If you also throw out your used dental floss she will be your friend for life.

I cleaned for one biddy who would make my life hell for weeks because her daughters didn't come home for Passover. Another would threaten to fire me every time she had a bad day at work. One old dear had a minor conniption because I threw out one of her toothpicks. She was the one who put her grandchildren on my case.
One of the ladies I no longer work for made a couple of passes at me. (Even if I was gay, she wouldn't be my type.)
One woman had me take the astroturf off her front porch.
The woman I worked for on Friday is disabled, and can't do much, besides fuss at me. Her husband does the laundry. He does it with an ill grace and crams all the clean clothes any which way into the baskets. Meaning stuff that shouldn't need ironing does. Want to guess who gets to iron it all?
Oh, the other thing, I know a whole lot about the people I work for. I get to watch family quarrels, clean up after parties, overhear phone calls, and then there's all the stuff they really shouldn't tell me, but they do. I keep most of it quiet. (Sometimes, like when the guy brought home 6 lava lamps and his girlfriend went ballistic, it's just too good to keep to myself.) Be kind to your cleaning lady. She knows your dirt.