The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128619   Message #2883582
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
10-Apr-10 - 08:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Video of US Killing of Reuters Reporters
Subject: RE: BS: Video of US Killing of Reuters Reporters
""So is born the myth - US forces deliberately target and kill children - eh DonT?? Ignores the FACT that the crews of neither helicopter had any idea of who or what was in that van when they opened fire.""

True fool, but they didn't express much regret, nor do I believe for one minute that they felt any.

As for the wounded and dying journalist, where exactly was the weapon he could have reached. He wasn't able to hoist himself up a six inch kerb to crawl to safety.

As to the danger to the chopper crew, well Mr Expert you really can't have it both ways. ""At best they might be vaguely aware that those aircraft were in the air, the Apaches are probably about 5,000 to 7,000 metres away"" (3 to 4 1/2 miles). Well which way do you want it T. Are they in, or out, of range of those weapons on the ground.

If you truly believe those bastards did their job in an acceptable way, and displayed an acceptable attitude to those they slaughtered, then you are as heartless and unprincipled a bastard as they.

But then, I've always suspected that to be the case, from your previous record.

And, BTW, you don't have a clue about my experience, or for that matter anything about my life.

Don T