The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24910   Message #288401
Posted By: Marcus Campus Bellorum
31-Aug-00 - 06:22 AM
Thread Name: Tune Add: Bachgen bach o dincar
Subject: RE: Name This Tune - Bachgen bach o dincar
I have just managed to find some software (shareware) that will play ABC and Sian, the tune you posted and the tune my partner sings are almost the same. I am a percussionist didge player (keyboard dabbler)so my ears are not as finely tuned as my partner's but it sound very close.

Now all I have to do is find some simple software to print the notes for free or send money via snailmail and work out exchange rates and "ah no way"!. What happened to the music??

I know this will not be approved of by the software designers but until internet security is bulletproof I will have to look around for the free stuff.

Any hints?