The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128619   Message #2884163
Posted By: Lox
11-Apr-10 - 08:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Video of US Killing of Reuters Reporters
Subject: RE: BS: Video of US Killing of Reuters Reporters
"Your truth Lox is that whatever action the US forces takes is automatically wrong"

Sorry Teribus, this is a figment of your imagination.

I am talking specifically about this clip.

"c) There were no US or official Iraqi Army or Police units in that location."

Oh really?

But I thought there was a danger of American forces "about to walk into the ambush that this crowd was setting."

So who were they going to ambush?

You're contradicting yourself.

"5. Please tell us Lox what were the "whole range of options available to" the helicopter pilots, or more importantly their controller."

Well one (of many) options off the top of my head comes from the fact that the US forces (who might or might not have been in the area depending on which bit of Teribus's post you read) ghad the initiative.

The US forces were watching the actions of the crowd, without the crowds knowledge.

It would have been very easy to organize a counter ambush, in which a more selective use of force could, if necessary, have been employed.

"It is not me making the bloody idiotic comparisons between the London Blitz during the Second World War and a street patrol operation in Baghdad in July 2007"

Neither am I.

I was comparing life for local people whose homes are in the middle of a warzone.

Basically, the things you think are different about it are in fact the same, and the the things that you think are the same about it are diffferent.

The similarity is that people who live in a warzone often show great bravery and compassion when they are presented with the opportunity to help others, and that they don't all spend their time hiding and never going out.

This is true in many wars throughout history including WWII.

The difference is that when there was no airraid going on, residents of cities and towns all over Britain that had been bombed by the Germans were able to do what they needed to do to make life liveable without being shot up by snipers from 5 km away. Kids did play on bomb sites during lulls, and people did go about the business they needed to go about.

Just like the Dad who was driving by with his kids.

"The van was driven up to evacuate wounded, collect bodies and pick up weapons"

Something to pay attention to in the video teribus is that the people in the van NEVER at any point attempt to pick up ANY wepons.

They are focussed SOLELY on helping the wounded man.

So there is no evidence to support your assertion.

"that van was driven by someone who had seen exactly what had occurred."

Ohhh ... I seeee .... so to make room, and to ensure that the weapons and wounded were well looked after, he put his two kids in the back.

Yes Teribus - that makes perfect fucking sense doesn't it.

You dare to speak of idiotic wittering when that is your synopsis?

"And I would far rather watch gun camera footage of these insurgents being killed, than watch Reuter's coverage of my son being killed."

This is understandable.

If my Daughter was in a warzone, I would have my tired sore eyes pressed to the screen wishing and hoping that she was ok every minute of every day.

Knowing that some people who might or might not be dangerous to her had been needlessly murdered would not however make me feel any better about it.

I would be thinking "what the fuck are you doing there" and "please send her home"

I would also feel tremendous empathy with the families of dead Iraqis and Afghanis.

specially those whose children were killed due to negligence which has been born directly out of a thirst for blood.

I would not direct my fear and anger at innocent victims, but at the people responsible for my daughter being in that ridiculous situation.

I would not confuse unconditional love and support for my daughter with support for my Governments and the US governments malicious and dishonest foreign policy.