The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128745   Message #2884202
Posted By: GUEST,Bluesman James
11-Apr-10 - 09:58 AM
Thread Name: Bud and Travis revisited
Subject: Folklore/World Music: Bud and Travis revisited
Wow: I have spent the last week or so revisiting a duo that was so ahead of their time.
In late 50-60's there was a duo of Travis Edmonson and Bud Dashiell
created a "polished" folk music that was based largely upon Mexico and Southwest influence. They did much more than that but I would this thread to focus on the Hispanic/Latino music.
They versions of "La Bamba" "Malaguena Salerosa" and my favorite "Vamos
Al Baile," may have been Anglo Americas first exposure to Latin American music.
Musically, they were top notch guitarists using bolero, and what times almost a Flamenco rhythms to their music.
This was "Pre-Dylan" music and I suppose many would consider them too polished - I remember the Washington Square -tail end of the scene. If you came on stage with a jacket and tie you were considered a traitor.Go figure

Travis greatest contribution was a series he did called "Border Crossing" Its a three part series about the Arizona/Mexico border and the cross cultural influences that carry from one part to another. Travis, this is decades before the Tea Parties and Minutemen
addresses the "Wall" commenting that "folks were always trying to separate the peoples but they are one culture and real Western Music owes more to Mexico than to Nashville.
In this time of Immigrant Bashing and Sheriff Ampario, we all need to listen to this again.
I find it fascinating as we now have "The Putamayo Music Label, World Music sites all over the internet, and an increased interest of multi-cultural ism, we will realize how Bud and Travis were way, way ahead of their time:
here some links

Here is the Youtube links to Border Crossing

I ask each and everyone of you to take the time and check out Border Crossings its incredible piece of music and folklore