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Thread #128619   Message #2884226
Posted By: Teribus
11-Apr-10 - 10:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Video of US Killing of Reuters Reporters
Subject: RE: BS: Video of US Killing of Reuters Reporters
"c) There were no US or official Iraqi Army or Police units in that location." (Teribus)

Oh really?

But I thought there was a danger of American forces "about to walk into the ambush that this crowd was setting."

So who were they going to ambush?

You're contradicting yourself.

The location I am talking about was the one under observation, a group of 8 men some of whom were armed, looking at the video footage I detected four (three armed with AK-47 Assault rifles and one carrying an RPG-7 launcher) Now as the Helo Pilots, their controller, the Iraqi Authorities and the US Forces patrolling the area knew that they had no units in that particular position, what does that leave us with by way of deduction as to determine who these clowns were? Insurgents

No contradiction whatsoever.

What was that traffic like round that location that day Lox, you were asked, could it be described as being Heavy, Moderate, Light or Non-Existent.

It would have been very easy to organize a counter ambush, in which a more selective use of force could, if necessary, have been employed.

In your dreams, this is real life we are talking about here not the script of some bloody action movie. Although again like the other residents of Camberwick Green I imagine like Don T you think that sort of stuff is done by telepathy.

The difference is that when there was no air raid going on, residents of cities and towns all over Britain that had been bombed by the Germans were able to do what they needed to do to make life liveable without being shot up by snipers from 5 km away. Kids did play on bomb sites during lulls, and people did go about the business they needed to go about.

Which is why more died when people started getting hit by V1's and V2's particularly the latter as they fell without warning albeit that they were launched from more than 5 km away. Those in the group that were targeted were targeted for a reason, they were not making their everyday lives liveable, after all that would not really have been all that news-worthy as far as Reuters were concerned. the more I look at the role and behaviour of this reporter/cameraman team the more their behaviour stinks to high heaven.

Just like the Dad who was driving by with his kids.

Look at the video Lox, there was no dad driving by with his kids, had that been the case the helicopters would have seen and reported the van approaching long before they did (Timeline: 05:54 initial firing ends; 07:07 Van seen drawing up at the spot where the wounded man is lying on the pavement; 09:34 Van is disabled all shooting at this location stopped). On that timing, the van was parked close by, somebody ran to it and brought it up to the man who was still moving, a man that they thought had crawled out of the line of fire.