The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24940   Message #288424
Posted By: Lena
31-Aug-00 - 07:57 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: False True Love
Subject: Difficult one
I'm looking for the lyrics of "False/True love". I heard it sung by Cate Murphy in an album she recorded with Nigel Eaton ("Spin", from Whirling Pope Johann), of mainly Breton music. Due to her accent and my weak English, there are some bits I can't sort out. It goes like:

Come in, come in
my own true love
won't you chat for a while with me?
for it's been three quarters of a long year, or more
since I spoke one word to thee
"No, I won't come in
No I shan't sit down
for I don't have a moment's time
and since you are now engaged with another true love

...and then the rest gets unintelligible for me...can anyone help?!