The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128619   Message #2884241
Posted By: Lox
11-Apr-10 - 11:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Video of US Killing of Reuters Reporters
Subject: RE: BS: Video of US Killing of Reuters Reporters
"What was that traffic like round that location that day Lox, you were asked, could it be described as being Heavy, Moderate, Light or Non-Existent."


The rest of the van evidence is infinitely stronger and tells us a different story.

"you think that sort of stuff is done by telepathy."

No, the same way that they sorted out the shooting.

With two video cameras and a radio link.

Its you who seems to think the father of the kids should have been telepathic.

"the more I look at the role and behaviour of this reporter/cameraman team the more their behaviour stinks to high heaven."

So now they dserved it too?

"Look at the video Lox, there was no dad driving by with his kids, had that been the case the helicopters would have seen and reported the van approaching long before they did"

Ok - looked at the video ...

The cameras are trained on the crowd of men - hence they were too busy to see anything else.

There is no evidence of where the Van came from, where it was going or whether it had been on the road for 1 minute or 2 hours before getting there.

"Van is disabled"

No - Van is pulverized along with its occupants, for picking up a wounded man and showing no interest in any weapons.

As if it would have 'remained enabled' if it hadn't been 'disabled'

Was this Van hiding teribus? packed full of insurgents ready to sneak out and pick up survivors and weapons in case they got blown up?

were the kids already on board?

Or , in the two minutes between 0554 an 0707 did some guy quickly round up a group of mates, AND HIS KIDS and then drive the 50 yard from his house to where he had just seen a crowd of men demolished by machine gun fire?

This suggestion is delusional in the extreme.

When the attack happened, the Van was already on the road with the children inside it.

Te driver had no idea what had happened, he simply saw a wounded man crying for help and stopped to help.

Your idea that he was nearby watching the crowd, saw them blown to smithereens, and got his friends and kids to jump in the van before nipping over to collect weapons and survivors of a failed ambush attempt that you insinuate he probably knew about all along is utterly preposterous.

It is particularly preposterous as if he did see it he would have seen that they were splattered by rapid fire, and he would have gone nowhere near the place for a long time by himself, let alone with kids.

Sorry mate, but your powers of deduction are letting you down on this occasion.