The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128710   Message #2884320
Posted By: akenaton
11-Apr-10 - 02:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Catholic come all-ye
Subject: RE: BS: Catholic come all-ye
Posted to the other thread by mistake!

"Just been reading that studies have found, people of "homosexual orientation" make up between 20 and 50 percent of the priesthood.

Given the very high volume of homosexual assaults(not paedophelia, paedophelia is in fact quite rare in the Church)do you not think that this represents a link between male homosexuality and the abuse of post pubescent teenagers and young adults.

Let the perpetrators be brought to justice....find out the truth about the sexual behaviour of priests.

The cover up was a separate crime which should also be investigated, but even if the pope was forced to resign, the abuse of youths would continue until a proper balance of sexual orientation is struck among priests.

The longer I live, the more I become convinced that homosexual practice and the abuse pubescent boys is linked.

Scrap the rule and ordain married heterosexual priests....the abuse will fall sharply."