The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128313   Message #2884507
Posted By: Bobert
11-Apr-10 - 08:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama's Hypnotic Speech Techniques
Subject: RE: BS: Obama's Hypnotic Speech Techniques
Right, mouse... And just for the record, when was the last war that the US got into that it won??? Hell, it's been pushing 70 years, by golly... That oughta tell folks that wars just ain't what they used tgo be so quit startin' them... Tell the military/industrial complex to go scrww themselves... We're done... We can't afford you guys... Not financiallly... Not in terms of human life... And not interms of moving the planet into this new century... Hopefully, Bush will one day be thought of as the last war president...
