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Thread #128619   Message #2884597
Posted By: Teribus
12-Apr-10 - 01:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Video of US Killing of Reuters Reporters
Subject: RE: BS: Video of US Killing of Reuters Reporters
As I said in my last comment Lox, it is obvious that you have not bothered to look at the video or read the transcript. Like the way that the timeline difference of 05:54 to 07:07 equates in your mind to two minutes, according to my calculations it amounts to just over a minute, 1 minute 13 seconds to be exact. By the way who arrived on the scene first the van or someone on foot who appeared to be directing the dirver of the van? Watch the video. Until you have there is no point addressing issues such as dead ground and blind spots, no point bringing to your attention remarks made about the advance of the US ground forces and the fact that there was no civilian traffic using the roads in the area at the time of the incident.

This priceless gem we get from Don T:

They were so engrossed that they wouldn't have noticed anything on the road until it came into sight of the camera of the camera. That is why the first mention of the van is made as it comes to a halt.

Even if it had been parked round the corner, they should have noticed it sooner than that. They saw only what was in their gunsights.

The helicopter gunship/ assault helicopter was primarily designed to take on armoured formations in Europe. During the Cold War, were it ever to go "Hot" we were told that the life-expectancy of any aircraft flying above 200ft inside the combat area would be something like 15 seconds. Bear that thought in mind Don when you then consider what you have to train the crew of such a machine to do operationally. A two man crew Don T, how do you think they split up their responsibilities, or do you think that they both single-mindedly stare transfixed down their "gunsights". Ever heard of multi-tasking Don or do you just leave that sort of thing to your wife. Also make some attempt to explain the comments regarding the off camera approach of US ground forces if the crews of the helicopters were so transfixed, explain why they can see two groups moving yet nothing else.