The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74127   Message #2884602
Posted By: Rowan
12-Apr-10 - 01:31 AM
Thread Name: Moisture in Tin Whistles
Subject: RE: Moisture in Tin Whistles
"thinking it is way too soft for sessions playing"

This is the market pressure that drives whistle makers to make the things sound shriller and louder, and loses the delicacy of timbre.

I almost left one of the sessions in the Session Bar at the (Oz) National over Easter because of a player (piano accordion, in this case) who seemed to prefer speed over expression; the arrival of another player, with an equally volumed instrument, saved the day for me. Even session tunes ought to be played with expression, where delicacy of timber is desirable, and 'softness' ought not be a barrier to acknowledgement of good, expressive, session playing.

Cheers, Rowan