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Thread #128619   Message #2884907
Posted By: Teribus
12-Apr-10 - 01:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Video of US Killing of Reuters Reporters
Subject: RE: BS: Video of US Killing of Reuters Reporters
Ah Don T your extensive experience coupled with that of Lox have missed one important point.

The "You shoot, I'll talk" remark was made from the one helicopter observing because it was not in a position to fire to the second helicopter that was in a position to fire, and the person being talked to was the Air Controller and the CO of the troops on the ground. It was not simply the Pilot of one Helicopter talking to his Gunner/Weapons System Operator.

In supporting these actions, you emphasise what I had already realised, that you are one sick bastard, and not worth the bother of talking to.

Not at all Don T I read an account and challenged what that account said and the way it was presented. You, Lox & Co swallowed the story "hook-line-and-sinker" at face value because it pandered to your particular set of prejudices. If ever you are on trial before a Jury, Don T best hope for Juror's like me, who actually question what they read and what they are told. With a Jury packed with clowns like yourself you'd be as good as hung before you even entered the Dock.

It's the mindless acceptance of the other sides propaganda and the idiotic assumption that they always tell the truth while your side always lies that is so bloody idiotic - as I said earlier in the thread our enemies know that they are at war, our servicemen and women know that we are at war, I know we are at war, the sooner that you realise that we are at war the better - in war BOTH SIDES LIE, BOTH SIDES USE PROPAGANDA, get used to it and question what you have been told, especially by a media hell bent on making as much profit as they can out of the situation by taking every opportunity they can to pour petrol on the fire. It has been decades since ever I took at face value anything that I have read in the western press. Within fourteen days of this incident happening Reuters had seen every bit of evidence and every scrap of coverage that existed on what happened that day. OK the period was July 2007, what has been Reuters subsequent coverage of this story? Had they thought that anything was amiss they would have been screaming it from the roof-tops for over two-and-a-half years by now. They haven't - ask yourself WHY??