The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128710   Message #2884921
Posted By: Bill D
12-Apr-10 - 01:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Catholic come all-ye
Subject: RE: BS: Catholic come all-ye
"I believe people are assigned to religions, like Baptist or Muslim or whatever ..."

*I* believe that is just silly....(sorry, but I can't think of a circuitous way to say it.)

*I* was raised a Methodist, didn't feel 'right' there, tried being a Unitarian, and that was better, but still a sort of ritual and overlay that was not 'me' I quit...and don't belong to any particular group, and haven't for 45 years.
I am aware that being raised in a particular religious tradition can, especially if it was regular & rigorous, imprint certain habits and feelings on one's...'psyche'?...and that is what bothers me.   
   Having certain routines and beliefs deeply imprinted can easily deter a person from looking at alternatives and from recognizing various forms of reasoning.
   I DO see that, if one does choose to remain in the church one is used to and finds strength and comfort in its ideals, that working like Joe Offer does within the group can be both beneficial and satisfying. If more folks did it like Joe does, we'd not need to complain and worry about theological differences.