The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128767 Message #2885190
Posted By: Artful Codger
12-Apr-10 - 08:42 PM
Thread Name: Vatican makes peace with Beatles
Subject: RE: Vatican makes peace with Beatles
Why should outspoken stupidity be confined to politicians and beauty contest winners?
Also consider the religious war still raging against evolution. That crafty god, such a kidder: planted all this false evidence to test people's belief. He was probably lolling around in heaven, listening to Händel's 'Messiah', thinking, "You know, any good magician these days can pull the water-into-wine trick, or the loaves-and-fishes, or walking on water or rising from the dead. And I'm tired of putting Mom's face on pieces of toast. What can I do that would really impress them? I know: Dinosaurs! And then as a capper, I'll show it was all a gigantic hoax! And how about quantum particles and...and multiple dimensions coiled like really teeny tiny springs? That should boggle their little pea-brains! Boy, this is gonna be a hoot!"
I know what I know, and you'll never convince me that Amelia Earhart didn't just fly off the edge of the earth and run out of gas. Probably landed on one of the toes of the giant tortoise...