The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128706   Message #2885270
Posted By: Max
12-Apr-10 - 10:31 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Should Mudcat be updated?
Subject: RE: Tech: Should Mudcat be updated?
I've really been enjoying this thread. It is an excellent example of how things are. 154 messages, and I haven't even said anything yet. It's easy to see how things get beyond a reasonable level of...

Soon, all my time will be going to reading the next 154 messages. And if I made a single change, 500 more.

I didn't want to speak up until I fixed the SuperSearch, which I have been working on since this thread started. I just finished it. Give it a whirl. Still may have a bug or two yet, but I'll keep fiddling till it's good. It will index daily now (soon?) so new messages will be in the results as well.

As for all the other things, all I can say right now is that if new features were to be introduced, they would be in module form so that users could decide if they are present or not.

There is a push right now, in the internet industry, of social features like member photos and mp3 uploading and the "latest features" being modular and designed to plugin to existing sites. If you've seen the Google friend connect thing popup on mudcat, that is me experimenting. The technology is close, and will be available as soon as IT is ready.

Again, it won't change mudcat at all. No slowdown, nothing different, only features you can turn on if you want.

And the fact that we are light, that is, mostly text, is very purposeful. I intend to be even lighter soon. Being readily available to any bandwidth or aged platform is at the very core of our mission.

more later from the war...