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Thread #128619   Message #2885320
Posted By: Teribus
13-Apr-10 - 12:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Video of US Killing of Reuters Reporters
Subject: RE: BS: Video of US Killing of Reuters Reporters
No more imaginary than the one you and Don T have constructed, in fact on evidence there is more to support my contentions than the fiction that the US killed a group of innocent unarmed civilians (Both known and shown to be untrue) that included two Reuters employees.

I have no doubts at all that the van was parked nearby, otherwise its approach would have seen and commented on long before it pulled up by the kerb.

Innocent locals just out strolling about? Then why were the Reuter's men summoned to the scene? Why was nobody apart from the Reuters men carrying any form of identification?

Don may froth at the mouth and call me names and attribute to me beliefs and codes of behaviour that are just pure guesswork on his part, but the pair of you have accepted as the gospel truth a story that has more holes in it than a collander, I have questioned it, and guess what Lox, the more I look and examine the situation, the circumstances and known facts of the incident, the more it looks like I have a better grasp of the facts than either of you have. None-the-less you will believe whatever concoction the Press will throw up provided that it paints the US forces in a bad light, I will rely on reason, logic and what the evidence supports to make my mind up about the incident.

End result is that the crews of those helicopters did not commit murder, they engaged three targets fully in accordance with the ROE in force at the time, and they did the job that they were supposed to do. If Don should bother to check, I am on record on this thread disapproving the attitude shown by those commentating on the events from the helicopters, but even then the full story and background is not known, so I reserved judgement on the matter.