The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128619   Message #2885411
Posted By: Lox
13-Apr-10 - 05:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Video of US Killing of Reuters Reporters
Subject: RE: BS: Video of US Killing of Reuters Reporters
"None-the-less you will believe whatever concoction the Press will throw up provided that it paints the US forces in a bad light"


You haven't been reading have you.

I have already informed you that I have bought into no story, but made comments based on the video.

As for the story thet i have allegedly concocted, which story is that?

That the Van was a convenient coincidence?

Well first - that was said in response to your concocted story, so to suggest that I have put forward any kind of hypothesis of my own is highly misleading.

Secondly, I have repeatedly stated that You and I know NOTHING about the whereabouts of the Van before it drove into the square.

And Third, the list of ridiculous circumstances surrounding the Vans occupants and manner of arrival shows that any idea that it was part of a planned operation is just plain delusional twaddle.

This is borne out by the fact that the vans numerous occupants made no attempt to gather up any weapons.

Why is that Teribus?

Why none of this crack team of van borne militants run and gather any weapons?

Your hypothesis is that that is what they were there to do.

Did they forget?

Just as the Crack Getaway driver forgot the way and had to be shown where to go ...

Actually, I think its Teribus whos been at the Crack.