The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128619   Message #2885909
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
13-Apr-10 - 06:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Video of US Killing of Reuters Reporters
Subject: RE: BS: Video of US Killing of Reuters Reporters
1. The gunner wanted to finish off the journo long before anyone tried to move him. There's about a minute of his gloating satisfaction and his pleas to the target to pick up a weapon. There wasn't a weapon of any description anywhere near the man.

ROE notwithstanding, there is no necessity to kill an unarmed and dying man, unless of course you are the sort of psychotic, and almost certainly racist, killer who was manning that machine gun. He was determined to have those extra notches on old Betsy, and the bragging rights in the mess later.

2. Occams Razor....The most likely explanation for the fact that nobody came looking for their missing kids, is because they had already lost their mother, and their father was killed in the van with them.

Nobody will ever know for sure, but it's at least as viable as Teribus's theory.

3. Teribus is at great pains to inform us, with a spate of appropriate (in his opinion) name calling, that we don't understand that this is a war zone, then asks us to believe that in such a chaotic circumstance, the fact that the van wasn't properly registered, indicates that it was stolen, to be used by terrorists.

Or could it just be that a local had annexed an abandoned vehicle to his own use? Wouldn't be the first time!

Teribus has long been in the habit of espousing the most complex and least likely theories, and hanging on to them to the point of obsession.

Whatever the rights and wrongs of the situation, the final killing of the journalist was IMO murder.

What's the next thing Teribus will ask us to swallow, shooting down men who are surrendering? After all, they're only a bunch of towel heads, aren't they.

WELL, NO!! If we don't have rules, what distinguishes us from the enemy?

Don T.