The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128809   Message #2886056
Posted By: Peter K (Fionn)
13-Apr-10 - 09:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why do Americans hate one another so much?
Subject: RE: BS: Why do Americans hate one other so much?
Greg F, I've had own my squabbles with Doug R, but it's particularly graceless to be slagging off a 'catter who isn't even in the thread.

I can't say I've seen much evidence for McG's generalisation. Au contraire I am struck by the predisposition of many Americans to respect their political opponents almost regardless of how strongly they may disagree with them. For my part I see no point respecting people who peddle (say) immoral values when they are well enough educated to know better. But I suppose I do take this intolerance to a greater extreme than most fellow Brits.

I shudder to think what kind of an impression is created in other countries by the weekly horror show of Prime Minister's questions. It is far from typical of the work that goes on at Westminster, but it puts on display a level of puerile rancour that I've seldom seen in US politics.