The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128809   Message #2886589
Posted By: Stringsinger
14-Apr-10 - 02:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why do Americans hate one another so much?
Subject: RE: BS: Why do Americans hate one another so much?
McGrath, hate is a matter of interpretation. The Irish would be justified in asking why
Mother England hated them so much?

Today, in America, there is fear at the helm. It's what FDR warned us about.
The hate is really about fear. Would you say that the BNP is not about hate?

People all over the world have their fears and hatred, not just America. Why do some English hate the Muslims and East Indians? Rhetorical question. Answer: Fear.

This is a loaded post with an assumption that America is a country where all Americans hate each other. This certainly is painting with a generalized brush.

Americans live in a country that has democracy as an ideal, therefore, not every American agrees with other American. There is bound to be some enmity somewhere. But this is true of every other country in the world.

We are, however, seeing unprecedented violence in our country today and a climate
that could breed fascism. This is because Americans are used to having a middle class which is being eroded. Also, corporations and bankers and GOP political leaders are exploiting Americans and encouraging the enmity among certain disenfranchised Americans.

I don't think, though, that hatred here is any more pronounced than it is in Britain, or South and Central America or Africa or India and Pakistan or....or....or.

I think that violence has reached a worldwide epidemic. As long as violence and intimidation are used to resolve problems, we will not see anything but this hatred.