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Thread #128809   Message #2886596
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
14-Apr-10 - 02:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why do Americans hate one another so much?
Subject: RE: BS: Why do Americans hate one another so much?
""While there might be *some degree* of cross-over between Conservative voters and CofE types, on the whole people in the UK prefer to keep politics and religion distinct, and the extremism and rage evident in the so-called Christan Right simply isn't there. But then neither is the Christian extremism, which is perhaps where the "political hatred" arises from in the first place?""

Right CS, and it's rather a strange reversal, if you examine it.

In the USA, where the Constitution specifically separates religion from government, you have the "Christian Right" peddling hate, and trying to force educators to teach their twisted version of human origin and development, and also, having a significant effect on the way the country is run (through the likes of Bush).

In the UK, where the Church of England is the Established National Religion, that Church (with the exception of a few Bishops in the House of Lords) pretty much keeps its nose out of government.

Don T.