The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128809   Message #2886641
Posted By: GUEST, Richard Bridge on the dark side
14-Apr-10 - 03:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why do Americans hate one another so much?
Subject: RE: BS: Why do Americans hate one another so much?
Fugitive "why is the left, posing as them, to do mischief, to discredit them".

That paranoia.

Yes, Crow Sister, it was other members of the Congress or Senate.

There is (as well as Parliament Act procedure, which only applies to Commons bills, with the result that the Licensing Act, a Lords bill, could have been defeated in the Lords if the conservatives and Lib-Dems had both kept their nerve) also the Salisbury Convention a constitutional convention in the United Kingdom which puts forward that the House of Lords will not oppose the second or third reading of any government legislation promised in its election manifesto.

It does indeed seem that there is a need to moderate the dictatorship of the majority, but neither the UK nor the USA seem to ahve got it right, as the excesses of the THatcher years and the Bush and Reagan years show.

What seems to be happening in US politics now however is a slumcult demand that there be no intelligent ideas intelligently expressed - as the insult "policy wonk" demonstrates. I don't think it's quite that bad in the UK yet, but "Dave-ishness" has already hamstrung the head boy of Eton.