The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128809   Message #2886920
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
14-Apr-10 - 11:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why do Americans hate one another so much?
Subject: RE: BS: Why do Americans hate one another so much?
Pessimism is the bodyguard of socialism.
Figure is out, as to why.

Little Hawk: (yo-ho) "Solutions? Yeah, I have a solution that works for me. I don't live in the USA. Another good solution (if you do live there) would be to talk about music or gardening or something instead of politics....if you want to enjoy yourself, I mean."

Amen..Bravo! and well said!!!

All this bickering is really for nothing..and if you notice how those with little or no information, just accuse others of hatred, bigotry, racism, blah blah blah! Then offer NOTHING whatsoever!!

Play music, write music, pray music. Make the place better...but first, for Christ sakes, quit bitching!!!!