The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127727 Message #2886978
Posted By: GUEST
15-Apr-10 - 02:30 AM
Thread Name: What ever happened to Deena Webster?
Subject: RE: What ever happened to Deena Webster?
Guest Diana posted a message on March 10, 2010 that Deena Webster is living in Asia and has folk spots there. Diana, if you read this or if anyone else knows more information about any current music Deena is doing, please post info. here. Does she still go by the name Deena Webster? Or goes under a husband's name now? I'd be also curious as to why she made a move to Asia? Was it a music related move? Music opportunities in Asia?
Are there any current photos of her performing at any of the Asian clubs? I only wish there had been other album releases other then the one lovely, "Tuesday's Child" album. Of course she also had a few singles, not sure exactly how many.