The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128809   Message #2886980
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
15-Apr-10 - 02:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why do Americans hate one another so much?
Subject: RE: BS: Why do Americans hate one another so much?
"important to remember when we deal with media coverage of any event (e.g., a protest):
1. The media will focus on the most bizarre, outrageous people or incidents "

When the Qld Premier Joh - a rabid right wing anti-intellectual! - got his 'honorary doctorate' a rather large bunch of us old timers came out of the woodwork, and showed our displeasure at the Qld University and Joh. He had wanted to dress his 'Special Branch' police in brown shirts, btw, but those with a knowledge of history were able to convince him that would be a VERY dumb provocative thing to do! :-0

When The REAL Doctorate candidates came out in their turn, I led the cheer "for the REAL Doctorates - they EARNED theirs!" - I got a couple of smiles and a few 'thanks' from some of them as they walked right past me! :-)

Now a handful of eager people (girls mostly) got carried away, and began thumping on the massively high glass windows of Mayne Hall (btw, Mr Mayne was a very rich early Brisbane settler, who got his financial start in life by a nasty murder and theft of a massive amount of money for the time - and did a deathbed confession - his children never bred and left all their money to charities, including the Qld University) which being extra specially made as cutting edge glass manufacture! about 30 feet tall, began to resonate, and one eventually cracked - they stopped then - as they had MADE their protest. THAT caused a furore, btw, as some of 'the world's top architects!!!!! (Qld Uni graduates!!!) had designed those 'special' windows as high wind cyclone proof.... :-) They were later replaced by many much smaller chunks of glass! But that's another story! :-0

When word came that HE (it was rumoured that God whispered personally in his ear, asking for advice!) was arriving, we all fell back about 100 feet away, and suddenly all 30 of the most vocal rabble rousers were left crowded in front of the doors, sheepishly trying to hide behind each other! We sent up the chant "Special Branch" - for they WERE the elite police section.... :-)

On TV the clips showed Joh fighting his way thru a crowd thronging and pushing close to him - wasn't ANY of us - just 'his police minders' and TV reporters!!! :-)

The newspapers ranted on about "THE BIG RIOT!!!" -

I WAS AT A RIOT!!!!! :-) ?????!!!!

I have been very cynical about many things in life since then.... and the louder they shout, the less I believe in their magic sky fairy given right to boss ME around....