The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128767   Message #2886998
Posted By: Les in Chorlton
15-Apr-10 - 03:25 AM
Thread Name: Vatican makes peace with Beatles
Subject: RE: Vatican makes peace with Beatles
Fair point Joe, as I said above:

"I have no reason to suggest that on average Catholics are any more or less 'sinful' than the rest of us. However, the 'leadership' of their Church is covering up crimes. The cover up says much more about the 'leadership' tham it does the followers.

Best wishes

L in C "

This thread is about "Vatican makes peace with Beatles" not what rank & file Catholics think about music.

Fiddling whilst Rome burns?

I'm not sure what penance really means. Prosecutions of rapists is what is needed and prosecutions of those who covered up. After that you will all have to decide if and why you want to be part of an organisation that is guilty of all those terible things.

Best wishes

L in C