The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128710   Message #2887245
Posted By: Jim Carroll
15-Apr-10 - 11:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Catholic come all-ye
Subject: RE: BS: Catholic come all-ye
"If you can't read and understand my questions, then there's no point in any further attempts at engagement with you."
I understand your question perfectly and have answered it on the evidence gathered so far.
Based on the evidence available, there is no organisation anywhere with a record of child abuse to match that of the Catholic Church.
To date, where the Catholic Church has been investigated in the matter of child abuse, it has been found guilty to a horrific extent. I have little doubt that if those investigations are extended, as seems likely that similar abuses will be uncovered elsewhere - it appears to go with the territory.
Similar accusations have been made in Cyprus, Germany, Switzerland and Canada, though no full-scale investigations have yet taken place in these countries.
Now perhaps you would like to provide us with other denominations, or secular bodies for that matter, where child abuse is as endemic as it has been discovered to be in the Catholic Church.
Jim Carroll