The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128809   Message #2887282
Posted By: Uncle_DaveO
15-Apr-10 - 12:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why do Americans hate one another so much?
Subject: RE: BS: Why do Americans hate one another so much?
GUEST from Sanity said, in part:

Getting back to the Tea Party, for a moment...they are accused of being homophobes, racists, morons...etc etc......if that is true, why is the left, posing as them, to do mischief, to discredit them??.

That's at least the second time in this thread that you've made (in varying terminology) the charge that "the left" is infiltrating or posing as Tea Party in order to discredit the Tea Party.

Where's the referent for that assertion? I am certainly not aware of any facts that justify that claim.

If you want Mudcatters to award your posts any credibility, GfromS, you should give us any factual basis you think there may be for that and other such outlandish charges. Unsupported quotes from Limbaugh, Beck, et al. won't rise to the dignity of "evidence".

Dave Oesterreich