The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61207   Message #2887446
Posted By: Jim Dixon
15-Apr-10 - 04:44 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Sea Shanties from 'The Complaynt' (1549)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Sea Shanties from 'The Complaynt' (1549)
Google books has an edition printed in 1801:

The Complaynt of Scotland: Written in 1548. With a Preliminary Dissertation and Glossary edited by John Leyden (Edinburgh: Archibald Constable, 1801). The chantey beginning "veyra, veyra" begins on page 62 of the Complanyt. (Page numbering begins over with 1 after the 292-page dissertation.) The glossary begins at page 305.

Many other books quote from the Complaynt. You can see some of them listed here: Search Google Books for "veyra veyra".

Some of those books might have translations or other commentaries; I haven't examined them all.

[By the way, when I first started posting links to Google Books, I often heard from British Mudcatters that they couldn't always see the same things I could see. Is that still the case? Can you see the text in my first link above? Does it make any difference if you use instead of ?]