The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128767   Message #2887668
Posted By: MGM·Lion
16-Apr-10 - 12:10 AM
Thread Name: Vatican makes peace with Beatles
Subject: RE: Vatican makes peace with Beatles
===God this kind of smug triumphalism gets tiresome. Grow up, atheists.===

I respect your right to persist in your faith, mousethief; but am at a loss as to why you imagine that your holding it makes you in some way more mature [whence your patronsising 'grow up'] than us atheists.

It is, after all, children who depend on fairy-tales for their moral instruction and their ability to cope. And we regard your fatuous and irrational beliefs (I am not trying to be merely offensive but simply to stress how we see it/them) as no better than fairy tales; entirely dispensable to anyone who wants to fit responsibly and morally into adult human society, where one will be better off without such pathetic props.

So grow up yourself, mate.
