The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128767 Message #2887749
Posted By: GUEST,Steamin' Willie
16-Apr-10 - 03:50 AM
Thread Name: Vatican makes peace with Beatles
Subject: RE: Vatican makes peace with Beatles
mmm Mousethief makes two interesting assumptions;
1. That I wish to grow up.
2. That I am an atheist.
Well, in answer to 1., I am not grown up, and have not been for 50 years or so. It is less stressful that way. Luckily, I was not a Catholic orphan / alter boy / choirboy.. Otherwise, I may have "grown up" before my time.
In answer to 2., where have you read that I am an atheist? What is an atheist? Be buggered if I know?
I also don't play the trombone, but trombone players don't have a sneering term to refer to me as? Why should superstitious people have a term of hate for me?
I can't be an atheist as I reckon that would mean I have made a pro active stance regarding religion. To be frank, I haven't made a pro active stance about religion any more than I make a pro active stance about needlework. Both being things that I am aware that some people enjoy, but has nothing to do with me.
Oh, and the only things I find "cool" are where I see the local B&Q heaving with people whilst a few paltry souls sit in a drafty old church saying it is wrong that 99.999% of the population don't do as they are told by the other few...
Grow up! Mea Culpa was a medieval control mechanism. If you can't get over it, go to see your GP and get a referral to a trick cyclist...