The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7890   Message #2887917
Posted By: GUEST,Sue Dukes
16-Apr-10 - 09:35 AM
Thread Name: Sam Henry's Songs of the People
Subject: RE: Sam Henry's Songs of the People
Hi. When I said I had the printers proofs of the Sam Henry Collection, I didn't mean proofs of the various books which have been published under that name, but the original proofs from the newspaper in which they were printed. This comprises every single item ever printed in the paper, some of which have never been published at all in any of the various compilations and imprints. So unless I am much misinformed this contains some fairly valuable material. I believe it is one of only 3 copies in existence. Hence my offer to allow interested parties to view or study it. But maybe I am misinformed and you all have full collections. Best wishes. Sue