The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128809   Message #2888508
Posted By: Bobert
17-Apr-10 - 09:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why do Americans hate one another so much?
Subject: RE: BS: Why do Americans hate one another so much?
George Soros seems to be the only boogie-man that the Repubs can come up with... I didn't realize that he owns CBS, NBC and ABC... Must have missed that "Breaking News" story...

I mean, let's get real here... When it comes to media ownership there is no one in Murdock's league... He is "da man"... He amkes George Soros look like the local paper boy ridin' his bike and throwin' papers in the direction of front porches... That's reality!!!

FOX is a manacing propaganda machine... When broadcasting was first regulated in the 30's it was set up so that people like Murdock would not be able to do what he has done... Only from persistent chipping away by the right ar FCC regs has our country given it's "piblic airwaves" over to a major braodcasting company that has only one purpose and that is to be a 24/4 propaganda arm of the Republican Party...

The operastiove word here is "public airwaves"... Meaning, that at least in theory, the people of the United States owns them... You know, kinda like national parks...

Sorry, GfS... My cumputer is way too slow for another download... It take up to an hour for a 3 minute U-Tube and if anything happens to get in the way of the stalittle it just shuts the everything down...

We're supposed to get real computer service some day back here in this mountain holler... But that someday might be decades... Ain't too many computers back here... Lotta moonshiners, tho... lol...
