The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117126   Message #2888509
Posted By: Teribus
17-Apr-10 - 09:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Subject: RE: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
"Subject at hand"

In this case Iraq

Has the country dissolved into a bitter sectarian civil war - No it most certainly has not

Is Iraq still a state sponsor of international terrorism - No it most certainly is not

Does Iraq still seek to acquire or manufacture WMD - No it most certainly does not

Does the regime in Iraq pose a threat to citizens within its own borders or to its immediate neighbours and the region in general - No it most certainly does not

And the bringing about of the above (all of which were perfectly true under the rule of Saddam Hussein and his Ba'athist cronies) Bobert counts as being a mistake. Not because all those things were brought to an end, but because all those things were brought to an end by a man called George W. Bush. That and that alone is what sticks in his craw.

Bobert consistantly waves this flag about one million dead Iraqis, who of course never did actually die (the number Bobert quotes as fact was in fact only an estimate of the number who MAY HAVE died - those words featuring large in the report that Bobery claims is his source). The actual figure is more like around one tenth of that figure, and most of those people were killed by foreign jihadist groups; Ba'athist insurgents; sectarian militias and criminal gangs.

Had Saddam or his sons remained in power the number of innocent dead Iraq civilians who would now be dead had the regime maintained it averages would be up arround the 800,000 mark

Was Iraq a mistake Bobert - NOT ON YOUR LIFE - Doubt that?? Then ask the Iraqi's themselves they have got no doubts at all about the benefits of the removal of Saddam Hussein from power, and they acknowledge that they could never have succeeded in accomplishing it on their own.