The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128809   Message #2888604
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
17-Apr-10 - 12:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why do Americans hate one another so much?
Subject: RE: BS: Why do Americans hate one another so much?
Bobert, With all due respects, G.E. owns NBC, MSNBC...Don't you think their 'higher ups' are running the same thing? G.E. was a MAJOR contributor to Obama's candidacy, and they have landed quite a few 'sweetheart deals'.

The amazing thing is, that people favor one over the other, thinking that there is something different going on at the top. You can take any news story, and report it through the filters of any 'news' network, with an agenda, and people will have two completely different concepts of what is going on. I see that on here, a lot. I think most people will try to do the 'right thing' given the FACTS they have, but FACTS, without spin is hard to come by these days!

That in mind, the mood of the country is dividing, depending on where they get their 'news' and to what bent that news source is pandering to; already they are shooting barbs at each other, next waging a war of words, with each other, NOBODY LISTENING to each other, just talking over each other, forming cliques and groups with like, or opposing views,...hostility rises, it won't be long before some lunatic will pick up a weapon, and throw more than words!

Instead of try to promote a 'programmed cause' we, as musicians, if we draw deep into ourselves, pull up the best, can wage peace on these troubled things. But first, we have to get past our petty differences, and our lame excuses, and our homework, and bring something different, decent and wholesome, that feeds the soul, to awaken that which is truly good within people.

Again, as I've posted numerous times, people should be allowed to learn HOW to think...not WHAT to think! To that end, speak and sing to their hearts, and bring them peace...the rest will grow.