The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128878   Message #2888801
Posted By: ichMael
17-Apr-10 - 06:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Democratic Party Terrorist Organization?
Subject: RE: BS: Democratic Party Terrorist Organization?
Let's see what feedback this topic has received. People are piling on the Tea Party for some reason, calling them KKK and such, and their only "crime" is conservatism. So here, with Shuler, we have an actual act of terrorism committed by an elected Democrat, and I expect the open, enlightened minds on this forum will roundly condemn the behavior.

You are a moron.

Oh, yeah, I saw that one last night. Thanks again for the input. These little Mudcat pages are becoming pretty popular. I may start dedicating them. I guess I'd dedicate this one to michaelr, since he threw first epithet.

you seem to have a knack for turning things upside down

Yes, it does seem odd how this developed. Kind of upside down. The REPUBLICANS are supposed to be the racists, yet here we have a Democratic Representative lying and using race in a detestable way.

The Girl Scouts a Terrorist Organization?

No, the Democratic Party. A domestic terrorist organization. Shuler broke the law and endangered life, and he did it in an attempt to influence government policy. (See above, Section 802 of the USA PATRIOT Act). It appears he did it to draw attn away from the DeathCare bill that was coming up for a vote, so he definitely influenced government policy with the action.

Why did I know from the title that this piece of ridiculousness would be started by ichMael

Couldn't say. Psychic?

Can somebody explain the logic of the first post? What IS he saying?

Rep. Shuler is a member of the Democratic Party. Shuler broke a law and endangered life while attempting to influence government policy. That is a "domestic terrorism" crime according to the PATRIOT Act. He needs to be charged accordingly.

totally illogical with no original thoughts of its own..automatons of Fox et alia.

Fox television? I believe I quit watching TV before Fox debuted. And actually, this thread is my brainchild completely. I've neither heard nor read of anyone else addressing this issue.

Another Martin "mental midget" Gibson...

Hm. From the racist. No telling what that's code for.

Being a moron means never having to explain what you're saying.

I expect that's true. I'd ask you to elucidate but...never mind.

So much for the feedback. Lots of name-calling, like I expected. Maybe I'll do a webpage on the incident with regards to its terroristic aspects. You folks will conveniently forget about the episode now, and the next time they want you distracted they'll point again and you'll go running off in the designated direction.