The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128809   Message #2888818
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
17-Apr-10 - 07:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why do Americans hate one another so much?
Subject: RE: BS: Why do Americans hate one another so much?
""Because there are people like Bobert constantly shouting how people hate somebody like he does and how people are telling other people to kill somebody.""

Concentrating on the snippets in which Bobert talks about how he feels, and reacts, you are objecting to the following:-

"I hate it that 1 in 5 children go hungry at night"    So does any real human being.

"I reckon that Sawz will come along now and say I hate America"    A reasonable supposition, based on past experience.

"I hate it that if you do what Tom Jefferson expected us to do in questioning our governement then the right says you hate America"    Yep!...Heard that on several occasions. Bush, for one, used it frequently, as did Cheney.

"so consumed with hate that many would love nothin' more than to see the United Sates become a "failed state" because of their hatred of a black president"    Following on the Republicans' blocking tactics against any attempt by Obama to reform healthcare, this is obvious to the whole civilised Western World.

"The fact that I hate the behavior I am seeing by an ignorant minority of racists"    He hates the behaviour. So do I.   And so should you.

"Too many hatefull signs and too many hatefull screamers"   I watch TV, and I've seen 'em, so what is your objection?

"I think it is fair game to brand their organization a hate oganization"   Since they so regularly express their hatred, you can't honestly deny that.

"I hated his policies"   Once again the policies, not the man.

Not once in all that did Bobert express a hatred for any individual of any political stripe. He hates behaviours, policies, racism, incitement of hatred, and the fact that, in his country, twenty percent of children go to bed hungry.

The way I see it, that makes this old hillbilly a better human being than most, and more truthful than many.

As for those who defend the lunatic right, well, like Bobert I don't hate them. I find them contemptible (contempt is not synonymous with hate Sawz), and irrelevant.

Don T.