The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128809   Message #2888829
Posted By: Bobert
17-Apr-10 - 07:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why do Americans hate one another so much?
Subject: RE: BS: Why do Americans hate one another so much?
Thank you, Don...

And yeah, I have never said anywhere in my some 18,000 posts here that I hate anyone... It's not part of my DNA... My mom might have been a good little commie but she brought me up to love everyone because we are all God's creations... Then, if her lessons didn't take, I became a true follower of Dr. King... Hey, Dr. King wasn't ashamed to tell it like it was but he wasn't one to hold hatred for other people in his heart...

But I guess that Sawz just can't understand that concept... It's kinda like a square peg and a round hole for him as he thinks he he only spends more time picking out things I have said (all of which I will defend) that really have nothing to do with the various threads where he posts them that folks will see me as some kinda untrustworthy person whoes opinions don't count??? The problem here is two-fold... First, Sawz is wrong in thinking that... People know me from way back and they know what I stand for because at this stage in life I am what I am... I don't play games...

But secondly, Sawz thinks there are people out here in Mudburg who actually take him serious??? They don't... He is a pest... He is like the guy in high school who was always telling the teacher when other kids did this or that... No, not hurtin' anyone but like smokin' in the boys room... That's who Sawz is here and folks know it...

But thanks again, Don... Gets lonely being about the only person who pays any attention to Sawz...
