The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128710   Message #2889033
Posted By: Jim Carroll
18-Apr-10 - 04:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Catholic come all-ye
Subject: RE: BS: Catholic come all-ye
Are you saying, as an organisation, the Boy Scouts of America allowed paedophiles to operate in their ranks until their behaviour got so out of hand that something had to be done and they were moved on to other Scout troups in order that they escape justice, allowing them to continue with their paediphelic practices? Was none of this reported to the law, and were the victims and their families bullied into vows of silence? Did this behaviour include the whole organisation, from the Chief Scout to the individual scoutmaster?
This is what happened in the organisation of the church, and that is what makes the stance they took so unacceptable.
Apologists have tried to pass this off as a handful of 'bad apples' - it wasn't; it was an in-built culture of abuse and acceptance of abuse, excused and fostered by the church, which almost certainly lasted for generations and spread throughout the church.
Until people realise this, the victims will never have closure and the church will have committed 'the perfect crime'.
Throwing money at the problem went on here too - sort of, but it wasn't an attempt to stop the abuses happening, rather, it was part of the cover-up. Some - very few, were placed in therapy in order to give the impression that something was being done. One of the worst abusers here (over a hundred victims), despite the advice of his therapist that he was an uncurable paedaphile, was put back in office, where he continued to abuse, was finally moved to a post abroad and was discovered to have made his home overlooking a childrens' playground.   
Is this the type of money-throwing that the church indulged in, in the US?
It really isn't a difficult problem - the church should be separated from childrens' education and welfare, they should have no more say in temporal affairs than we ordinary citizens have, and their role be restricted to the spiritual ministering, and only then at the full consent of the individuals who wish it.
They must be become a spiritual organisation and nothing else.
Jim Carroll