The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128346   Message #2889205
Posted By: Jeri
18-Apr-10 - 01:26 PM
Thread Name: Maine House Concert, Martyn Wyndham-Read, April 17
Subject: RE: Maine House Concert Martyn Wyndam-Read -April 17
I wish I'd had my camera. Seamus planted himself at Martyn's feet (more like ON Martyn's feet) and inspired him to do the song about a man and his old dog. I asked for Where Ravens Feed because of this thread, but Jacqui asked for it too. It's always good to see old friends, and it was great to meet some new folks. It was a room full of a perfect mix of audience (or would have been perfect if some of the Press Room peeps had made it up!).

...and some day, FAR down the road, Martyn will go up to the Pearly Gates--which old Saint Pete will open AND close--and enter into that place where all sickness is banished, scars erased, and everyone is made whole again and exquisite, and when he sings for the angels, he will sound not one bit different than he does now.

Thank you, Mary; thank you, Jacqui; thank you, Martyn.