The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128901   Message #2889320
Posted By: Art Thieme
18-Apr-10 - 04:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: 5 airlines won't charge for crayons!!!
Subject: RE: BS: 5 airlines won't charge for crayons!!!
Hey, I know this seems like a silly topic for a thread. Still, charging people just to bring them on the plane is a dumb way to run an airline. In the overhead compartment mine used to melt quite often, and that's where they would have to be put. But charging for the so-called privilege of having them with you when you fly is way beyond the pale.

And speaking of "way beyond the pale"---that silly flesh colored carry-on never was any flesh color I've ever seen anywhere. Come to think of it, I haven't seen the flesh-colored crayon anywhere at all lately. I think someone stole it---and I had fifty of my CDs inside it. Who should I complain to?? I guess I'll go see who is in charge of lost crayon luggage!
