The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117126   Message #2889507
Posted By: Bobert
18-Apr-10 - 11:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Subject: RE: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Ya know, It reallly doesn't matter if Donnie Rumsfeld presented Saddam with a gold plated M-16, Ak-47 or a turd that Donnie had dropped that morinin', fished out of the toidy and had gold plated...

The fact is that Donnie Rumsfeld gave Saddam, a good US foot souldier, a gold plated ______________ (fill in yer own)...

I mean, lets get real... If you listen to T then you'd think that because this ol' hillbilly wasn't there in Baghdad during the presentation of the gold plated _____________, that it never happened???

Hey, folks... It did happen!!!

That is the facts here... Gold plated M-16, gold plated AK-47, gold plated Daisy BB gun, gold plated turd, it happened!!!

Yeah, t, doesn't want to address that aspect of history becauase it doesn't fit in with his mythology...

The facts are the facts... Saddam was "our guy"... Saddam did our bidding against Iran (with our help)... Saddam was rewarded with gifts... Saddam was gievn a wink-wink on Kuwait and then the Bush I and Bush II, for reasons that only their psychiatrist knowm decided that Saddam wasn't our man after all... I mean, what did Saddam do??? Gas the Kurds??? That's purdy flimsy... Yeah, he did it but was rewarded afterwards by the US for being a good citizen???

I mean, this entire story smells like week old dead fish...
