The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128878   Message #2889518
Posted By: ichMael
18-Apr-10 - 11:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Democratic Party Terrorist Organization?
Subject: RE: BS: Democratic Party Terrorist Organization?
If you want laughable, just go to Youtube and witness how cops invoke the PATRIOT Act when they're making arrests. Or, it's not laughable, it's sad. And Shuler...well, he's a bad one. I'm thinking of making him my project this week. The Democratic Party is harboring a domestic terrorist.

But let's see what constructive criticism has been posted here since yesterday.

Are you a purblind eedjit? Or just the normal sort?

Never really considered that one.

his heroes are a bunch of redneck racists Amos, probably because he's one of them.

Ah, yes. Invoking skin color in a slur and then claiming moral high ground on the subject of racism. There's another one around here who does that.

Bring yer dumbass self down her to Page County... Bring it on, asshole!!! ... Yeah, bring yer wimpy, cowardly ass on down... Square business, jerko!!! ... unlike you, am am transparent... You won't have any thouble finding me... ask anyone where "Sidewalk Bib" lives... bring yer cowardly self up here... I'll be waiting on yer liein', cowardly, dumbass self, ya hear???

Hm. Speak of the devil. Old Sidewalk Bib himself. He says he's transparent but "you wont have any trouble finding me." That's a puzzler.

they're all stupid Yanks

Lives under a queen. Nuff said.

drooling, phlegmatic troll.

I'm not phlegmatic.

It grieves me to see such name calling here. We all know it is forbidden

lol. That's rich. Tell that to Streetwalker Bib.

The only problem is that the "poster" is also a cyber-stalker who has stalked me from another website and has some very serious obsessive things going on in regards to me???

lol. Speak of the devil again. So, what, I'm supposed to be a stalker? lol. Believe me, I don't even read your posts normally. I'm only reading the ones in line here out of a spirit of all-inclusiveness. But you are pretty interesting because you show the kind of mental deterioration that so many Democrats are displaying right now. Your guy hasn't ended the wars, he's giving even MORE U.S. tax money to privately-owned foreign banks, he DOUBLED funding for the murder of American children, and so on and so on and so on. And it's driving you people nuts. And that's the way Obama-nosis wants whacked out that you'll do anything to defend the good name(s) of der fuhrer.

I had some doubts about whether I should pursue the Shuler thing this week or pick up something else, but all these words of encouragement tell me Shuler's the way to go.

Thanks for the input.